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Uni rocked by marking fiasco



By Tess Livingstone

February 21, 2006



Rohan Duggan / James Robertson

Rohan Duggan … left his university in frustration / James Robertson


A UNIVERSITY graduate student abandoned the institution in frustration after a marking fiasco during which a lecturer told him to produce “more smarter writing”.

Former Queensland University of Technology Master of Business Marketing student Rohan Duggan, 38, said his nine-month ordeal included seven meetings and hundreds of pages of correspondence, some farcical.The original marking of a 2000-word paper included a comment from lecturer Edwina Luck advising Mr Duggan to present “more smarter writing”.
Related story Exams: What you said about uni marking

After Ms Luck graded the paper at 65 per cent, Mr Duggan questioned the grade and Ms Luck passed it to another staffer, Dr Yunus Ali, who downgraded it to 35 per cent.

In re-marking, Dr Ali questioned the use of the terms “Yin” and “Yang”, a Chinese concept of balance, and said they should have been listed as references in the bibliography (a list of the books used as reference material).

Yesterday, Dr Ali admitted he had “no idea” what the terms meant and thought they were references to people’s names.

“We don’t go into the deeper meaning,” he said.

In response to further queries, Ms Luck sent Mr Duggan a short e-mail which, because her “s” key was not functioning, read as: “I knew you would be di appointed, o what I have done i taken the middle ground. I am uppo ed to take the econd mark, but I did not want to kill you that much. I do hope that you have learned from thi . Not the point of a king for explanation, but that we a lecturer are not totally illy!! Academic writing i difficult. I hope all our comment can be helpful in the future. Edwina.”

Mr Duggan then took his complaint to higher authorities and his original mark was restored.

Mr Duggan said the restored mark helped him achieve a distinction in the subject, although when he learned that Dr Ali would have been teaching him in second year he decided to go elsewhere and has now completed a Master of Marketing Managing degree at Griffith University.

QUT registrar Dr Carol Dickenson and Business Dean Professor Peter Little said that both Ms Luck and Dr Ali had been reprimanded and made to attend a seminar on Learning and Teaching Issues.

They agreed their conduct was “obviously unacceptable”.

Professor Little said if due process had been applied, Ms Luck would have given the assignment to her (Luck’s) head of department who would have selected a staff member himself to do the re-marking.

He insisted Dr Ali was “very well qualified academically”.

Maine Excursion

While I’m up in Maine, I decided to go adventuring with a friend of mine. It was subfreezing temperatures so we thought the best thing to do was go hiking near the ocean and take pictures. LOL

We followed route 24 down to a place called Land’s End. Basically the road just ends at a cliff. We climbed down and followed the rocky shore line. Although it was freezing out, I managed to get some good pictures.



The Gift shop at Land’s End can be seen in this picture.


This is a drain pipe that I thought was pretty cool. It has alot of wierd twisted ice fingers.


This is an ice waterfall at one of the inlets of the shoreline.


This is the cribstone bridge goin from Orr’s Island (right) to Bailey’s Island (left). About 5 years ago was my first visit to this bridge and I’d been wanting to get some photos of it. So five years later I finally get around to it. I also believe that this is the only cribstone bridge in the world.

Cribstone Bridge

Edit: Uploader seems to resize all my photos to thumbnail =/

Cartoon violence.

I dont mean this..

I mean..This.


Its Strange how suddenly people get so offended over something so stupid. and the Logic of it just isnt there. Even before 1440 before the printing press was done there was Printed humor. Now with this silly ass politically correct crap going around EG: Christmas lights = Winter lights. everyone is trying to monopolize on the situation and try to get there small point of view in. but in this cartoon thing. Its stupid. a Cartoon Depicts a possibly humorous imagine. The irony of this cartoon is ironically its the truth. What hurts more. A guy who blows himself up for his “views” on things. or a piece of paper.

At least 12 people died in Afghanistan last week in demonstrations against the cartoons.

Its Pretty sad that a small drawing has done this. but what do you expect there probably gonna blow themselves up over this oh wait they already have.

Blizzard ’06

Blizzard seems to be a  word that New England meteorologists use for any snow storm forecast greater than four inches.  In this storm, they were mostly right.

Snow fell for most of the day ending around 7pm.  High winds with the snow fall made for almost white out conditions.  Rhode Island was put in a state of emergency banning all road traffic.

Also, for the first time, I actually heard a real announcement on the Emergency Broadcast System.  My parents were equally shocked as they’d never heard anything but the test pattern from the EBS in their life.

About two feet of snow fell when the storm was finally over.  Nice excuse to play with the snow blower >:0)

After the driveway was done, I walked with my brother to Honey Dew for a coffee.  But alas…  Honey Dew was closed T_T

Sorry I don’t have any photos to accompany this report; I was staying warm inside playing the final day of C4 PTS.

–Jeff Ski

Lineage 2 Cronicle 4

One of the games I play along with a few others, Lineage 2 is having a huge update, for now i am temporarly uploading the install for those who need it, the client is a free download at but as of tommorow, err today. there is a chance that site maybe Swamped so I may put up a link to help those late in the download.

Of Mice and a Mouse

I got sick of the problems of my old mouse the Logitech Mx1000, after 2 years use any time i left clicked it would randomly acts as if i double clicked and It would get annoying as hell because depending on the game . that would be the act that got you killed or some other act that would end up screwing up your game because a key piece of dialog got passed, because it got skipped.

The MX1000 is a great mouse but its time to retire that and get something new.
so I bought the Logitech g7, out of the box the mouse feels Alot different from the mx1000. two things . 1 the mouse is extremely light compaired to the mx. the G7 is also extremely more sensitive. as I mess with this mouse more i will update.

Update# After a nights use of this mouse Its Extremely sensitive as for a mouse as for the settings you can change on the fly you can change it for speedy turns and without going into option menus You can turn it down to be a very precise tool. after hunting a few hours in lineage 2 i found that hunting with the setting of 800 to 1200 DPI is good when your hunting out a Pit in the game. i have yet to try this mouse in a First Person Shooter but………. I have a feeling that this mouse will make a Huge difference in FPS because you can feather the sensitivity and basicly become a rediculous sniping tool. As for other uses i see for this mouse such as photoshop but Defienatly this mouse is a good thing
new mouse.

Site Mysteriously reverted…

Dont know what the hell is going on but the site reverted back to defaults and certain files are missing.. Im guessing the server that hosts my site had crashed and reverted .. tis the only thing that makes sence. 🙁 So far what i notice Is Images gone. word press was messed up- it acted as if it were never installed so the only thing that comes to mind that the host Must of had problems. and restored from an older backup

Update2. reinstalled the front end – 2.0.1 wordpress.

update: well i backed up the whole site – and the databases. that wont help if this happens again and and i add something before that last backup.
files were lost but it seems like the site itself is intact*somewhat*.

Playing around.

I’ve looked at the way the site was lately and decided it need to be have a little better Design, but after playing around I’ve decided on this setup that im going to keep fooling with . It was originally a different theme that im editing to become more what i want for this site.

I’ve also added a few people that can activly post if they feel like, when i came up with this site in mind I never really thought of this site for myself. Sure i can use it for my own but whats the fun in that? but one person has posted, as im slowly working through things. this site should look a bit more and more a shape of its own. for awhile i was using the default settings just to see how it would handle, I used to have my own subdomain on a friends site. the thing was is the host kept changing options and I’d keep having to fix things as they changed there setup.

From what i used to have a site I’d completely write it in this same format using HTML, What a pain that was. So now that i have my own site I can use whatever format I want and due to the condition I have I’d rather not code entirely each post. as far as this is getting i still need to learn how to add certain things.

hopefully this new setup is a bit easier to read 🙂