Cartoon violence.

I dont mean this..

I mean..This.


Its Strange how suddenly people get so offended over something so stupid. and the Logic of it just isnt there. Even before 1440 before the printing press was done there was Printed humor. Now with this silly ass politically correct crap going around EG: Christmas lights = Winter lights. everyone is trying to monopolize on the situation and try to get there small point of view in. but in this cartoon thing. Its stupid. a Cartoon Depicts a possibly humorous imagine. The irony of this cartoon is ironically its the truth. What hurts more. A guy who blows himself up for his “views” on things. or a piece of paper.

At least 12 people died in Afghanistan last week in demonstrations against the cartoons.

Its Pretty sad that a small drawing has done this. but what do you expect there probably gonna blow themselves up over this oh wait they already have.