11 days left!

2007-6-8 15:30:00 GMT-04:00!


You’ve probably not seen much if any spam on this site. but i have.

I was getting upwards of 30 to 40 Comment spam a day for all kinds of stuff.

so from this day on. I will just ban anyone who spams random spam.Banhammer

I’ve heard of Diets high in iron but this is a little excessive.

Yet another reason i dont goto dunkin donuts anymore.

Coffee and a metal chip muffin, please!
By Dave Wedge
Boston Herald Chief Enterprise Reporter

Saturday, May 19, 2007 – Updated: 12:56 AM EST

A morning breakfast treat turned into a painful trip to the dentist for an Avon gas station owner when, he says, he bit into a hard chunk of metal inside a Dunkin’ Donuts chocolate chip muffin.

Continue reading “I’ve heard of Diets high in iron but this is a little excessive.”



Cant wait to go, almost all ready in Rhode Island but is Sweden ready for me ?

Sweden comming soon,

From feb 8th till about 4 days ago was the total time taken to receive my passport. In 4 weeks I shall be going to sweden and I cant wait likely i’ll be posting from there. but i’ve not posted on here due to getting stuff ready.

Only one thing is on my mind . there no Honey Dew Donuts in Sweden AHHHHHH!!!!

Warm Weather is here!

its may but Its a warm May cause its had few days already in the 80s . I’m wondering how warm this summer is going to be.