I keep looking at something and my life keeps me insane just enough to figure out I am forgetting this

Yes , I know .. It has been awhile, I am in a cycle of looking and than forgetting to update this site.  It’s deplorable, It’s damn shitty  at that.   This site has existed nearly 11 years and It has had its share of ups and downs.

I feel kind of shitty in the thought I have let this site go to an almost non-existence.  Its been a long three years and I can’t say that It was easy , I can not say it was hard either.  Things are starting to look up. I have my sanity…. Maybe?funny-cat-sanity-crazy-question

Somethings of course are starting to look down. My health has always been a contention in my life, I want to stay healthy and I cant say that I have kept up due to pain.  I live in pain every day.

Phone Fun part 12 Return of the king.

Well now … Back to this ..
If you think about this , If you have followed this little sites quest for the one phone… Its been a long quest. Many have fallen. Much tech support bullshit was had, but to which end  each and every phone was used through and through, so In our eighth year of phone fun I figure why not.. lets visit the classic  style I had originally set as my standard for phones.
The Standard I set in the Samsung M520 post is kind of solid and holds up even to this years phones .

Even If we drop in the most recent acquisition the Nexus 6p  is reviewable with the old standards.

  • to make calls –
    Well this may be the weaker point of the review process but this is more over a fine point , If the provider selling the phone has a shitty network , most will point at the phone before the network.
  • The Phone is configurable
    This is paramount more than ever with phones, as companies try to release  phones with smaller space to save money this is where phones stand up for themselves.
  • good battery life
    Oh holy shit yes. on the most recent generation of phones battery life is in the toilet.
  • add/make ringtones
    Still a valid assumption due to some phones complicating the process needlessly. It may seem redundant but its not.
  • Applications that don’t cost a years pay for a small 3rd world country
    While technically not part of the phone review, you will find that on phones that sometimes phone applications make the phone.
  • Durable
    Yes indeed. durability … still an issue … from you farted and bent your phone in your pocket to a drop accident while taking a dump

I’ve had a few phones since the original phone fun . at a rate of one a year about.

Nexus 6p , Nexus 6 , Galaxy Note 3 , Galaxy Nexus , Nexus 4 s ,HTC Touch , M520 ,katana LX

With the Nexus line being the phones I’ve favored and when I have strayed I have been reminded why the stock experience is the way to go. My last non-stock devices were less than appealing in the long run.


So onwards with this review.

Again the old review process in play here lets start from the beginning..


To make Phone calls: The nexus 6p is very good at making phone calls , On the other hand places I’ve lived have been questionable at best for phone calls. Now the nexus 6p has the ability to hand off phone calls from WIFI to NETWORK to NETWORK flawlessly … When it works its fucking fabulous , When it does not work you wonder if the call was transferred  to a demons asshole for the weird noises it can make.. if this hand off can be straightened out it will turn a great feature into a brilliant feature.

Configurable: Being a Nexus phone give this phone advantage over most of the android phones out there.  Google give you a frame with a Warp engine and allows you to build off of It.  Rather than be stuck with provider baked in bullshit that reminds you to wipe your ass twice before swiping google trusts you enough to know how to download something.

good battery life: Unfortunately smart phones have one of a  few drawbacks… The battery life sucks and while building better and faster hardware seems to be the case of things , I can say the Nexus is not half bad. I get roughly 24 to 48 hours depending on use.

add/make ringtones:  Over the years this has become a redundant with configurable , Though it would be a subsection because who knows what the fuck developers are thinking .

Applications that don’t cost a years pay for a small 3rd world country: While this still has importance , the shift away from a per phone store is now a marketplace.  Out of the box this phone is more or less ready to go… I think one complaint that other manufacturers should pay attention to is.. STOP FUCKING INSTALLING APPS YOU THINK I WILL USE! IF there is something I have hated with the non-nexus phones was spending an hour getting rid of app after app of completely monkey shit.  Nexus phones do not do this.. its wonderful. But, When you have a phone with a notification going off in the middle of the night to remind you to put in your store loyalty card , you bet your ass that app is going to get deleted. in the past there were many purchases i made to fix the faults of phones that is not a litter of dead apps that i don’t use .

Durable: Durability , as it stands is kind of a moot point these days.  Unfortunately when you have a phone where one side is a large piece of glass , its hard to judge durability .. Most manufactures tend to sacrifice durability for aesthetics , The problem of aesthetics is …. the only way you see how “nice” your phone is , is if you go naked. These days its saner to just put a case on your phone to make it durable.  if you look at your phone the wrong way sometimes even with gorilla glass 473487234 your phone will end up fucked by a single micron of dust.


Over all the Nexus 6p is a comfortable sight. Its what you expect out of a google phone rather than the aborted attempts that manufactures try to collaborate with wireless providers for.  the nexus line is about choice and its something that people do not realize they have when they are stuck in the world of samsungs that want to sniff your asshole for caloric content to sell to who knows what.



It’s June ..

I’ve been updating a little more , its been missed but the atomic bullshit of the world pretty much made the last 3 years a blank spot.  In a way I am glad I did not post and in another way I know i should of. Sometimes the clarity of the world is a bit brighter in pixels when you can weed out the bullshit. Cut-the-Nuclear-grade-Bullshit-will-ya-buddy-Life-is-hard-enough-without-the-smell-of-what-you39re-dishing-out-meme-14752

Bullshit is everywhere , Everyone trying to forward there own agendas just to do something what they want to do without care for others , and when its brought up its brought up in a way that they bring the person staying out into the bullshit. With all of the bullshit thought I remain happy in way , Happier than I’ve been in ages. I wake up knowing the bullshit is outside when I wake up and in parts of my body but none the less the mornings start bullshit freeish*.


The annoyance of where the bullshit starts is me, my bullshit body more specifically … I was given a bad hand in the genetics department and if I wrote everything down here that was known about my genetics you’d all go that’s bullshit. I live in pain day to day , and its really bullshit, to the point that I do not feel like bullshiting with people because my pain is to the degree of bullshit.  The degree of things I do to keep myself going is pretty maddening to say the least, though I always say things could be worse.  I spent the last year trying to get down on my medications in order not to feel like another bullshit situation that has darkened the last few years.

I’ve got to the point where therapy actually has done more harm than good and its really one of those moments that makes you reflect on what kind of bullshit I have to deal with.  It is sad when  the thing that is supposed to help me heal is actually diametrically opposed to what it actually did, The bullshit meter is off the charts on that one.  acowIts getting to tough times , I am not sure where the future will lead and I know it will be tough but, I know this. I will wake up in the morning and  I will say bullshit to the pain I know that will eventually curtail my days actions.  I do what I can and I will continue to do what i can.  I wake up in pain I goto sleep in pain. There was an episode of House that actually made an expression of how I feel .  Here’s a quote.6b8944438f56d004d8a72ef1cc9ad07c


For all the times I wake up in the morning thinking today will be good I am proven wrong with my body going bullshit and having the feeling of having a hot piece of glass shoved through my arm while having it frozen than hot water splashed liberally over it.  It pisses me off , It punishes those around me since I cant do anything. I feel like I have no worth. Worse is when I try to hide my condition because I don’t compassion , I want to be normal and sometimes people just take advantage of It.  I hide my pain for other peoples comfort and sometimes its a bit much and I withdraw.  Sometimes keeping the “nice” face on is more of a pain than the pain it self.  When I show myself its because I am comfortable and I know that who i show myself to cares.  but otherwise If your going to walk over me or say something contrary to the position when you have no knowledge of , please keep your bullshit to yourself you’re contributing to global warming from the bullshit that’s spraying from your lips and all the hot air.


To which end.. the people who I let into my world and I let them see under my shell. I am glad they are there. They understand me and have kept me sane enough to wake up every morning and face the bullshit with a smile* (or whatever face i can muster that’s marginally better than agonized.) . Maybe they will never see this post but know this I love them very much for putting up with my bullshit.


Anyhow… Till next post.


PS: the word of the day is bullshit! (22)

Phone Fun part 3.141592653589793238462643383, So long and thanks for all the fish.

Well its been fun sprint.  We’ve had a fun ride and through troubled times and the fun times you’ve been with me but , There is a time where is it possible that Sprint and I, have grown so old and so inflexible that we have outlived our usefulness? As I have moved on and my life has gotten a bit more complete that the room for sprint has taken the squeeze of outliving its usefulness.  Mind you sprint at the time of having more bells and whistles than you can count is an excellent thing.  But when my bills were going north of 150$ I was starting to choke.   Sprint at times could be a love hate relationship..

I have gone to the nexus 6p from the nexus 6 … while the nexus 6p is a bit smaller it retains the size of an aircraft carrier and is easier for me to use , I have realized that i am getting worse in the way of doing thing and that a bigger phone is needed for me to retain coordination.  The sound on the 6p from the speaker is astounding.

As I’ve had this phone only a week I am going to have to revisit this in a month.


thanks all for now .

Concerning Hobbits …… musings of life.

I’ve not typed anything about me here for ages.   I am generally a kept to self person….. The last post about me was about vaping, and how I have quit smoking..


smoking-with-style-funny-600x329 Its been great…  I have cut myself down to 1mg of nicotine in the last year .  The thing is when I goto a doctor and ask if i smoke and show them the E-cig and explain that I have 1mg nicotine they actually don’t even count me as smoking/vaping.  So there is the good shit on that.


Healthwise and half of why I have not been here is my health ..  Pain and Numbness have progressed faster than I would like it to, Its a scary factor to say that I cant use half of my arm for some basic functions.  With my hands they feel like if you have put them in a snowbank and than poured extremely hot water on them, body-wise i am doing whatever the fuck I can. When I was told by the neurologist that I pretty much damned if I do and Damned if i dont its a pretty fucked up situation there.

With my life there have been many ups and downs and I’ve seen the bottom and I’ve peered at the top , after what happened to me in 2013 I am lucky every day to wake up and find my feet on the ground.  But my health has just not kept up with me and I wont let it keep me down.  I’ve been bordering the pissed off zone for awhile and I’ve needed an outlet that I can go off on.  I fight the challenge of each day and try to live my life.

Just a short update while I fix up things here.

Phone Fun DCCXXIXCCXLIX: Return of the Jedi

Time for another edition of Phone fun!


Last I had the Galaxy Note 3 , while it was an OK phone with many options the end game of the note 3 had many letdowns.  The phone size is on the scale of a large moon.  So after a year of dealing with this phone I decided to talk to sprint about an upgrade to which they kindly offered after a screw up.

Since I’ve always liked the nexus line of phones I went with the option of the Nexus 6.  The nexus 6 goes from large moon to Dwarf planet sized. Since I’ve owned a lot of android devices I have found that the stock android OS is among the best with CyanogenMod as second best as far as Android goes.  Stock android avoids all the bullshit of having bloatware from both the Device maker and Phone companies.  Most times with a none Nexus device I end up spending time disabling half of the shit on the phone just to stop the damn endless nagging from apps on the phone.  I understand to a point that providers and device makers want to pre-load apps but, Not everyone wants facespace and half of the other shit on the phone out of the box.  I have seen complaints that have made me twitch like “this phone sucks it does not come with facespace installed”.  Device wise if I was given the option to have an a la carte version of any phone by paying 50$ more for the base version of android with no preloaded apps/no fucking annoying UI’s / install all yourself I’d buy any phone with that option in an instant.

Yes you can have the a la cart version if you can unlock your phone. but, in some cases its not worth it to loose the warranty (see knox)


Onwards to the new phone! The nexus 6 retains all of the ideas of the nexus 5 but on a fucking ginormous screen.  While not the biggest phone the nexus is near the top in size.  Its a nice phone and seems to keep up with making phonecalls , I used to abhore large devices, but in time I have made my peace with them and actually welcome them now.  The nexus 6 is on the aircraft carrier size of phones.  5.5 to 6 inches is a sweet spot as far as large phones are concerned. once you go above that you might as well buy a small tablet and make calls from that.

The one complaint i have is – NO FUCKING NOTIFICATION LIGHT*! yes there is a fucking asterisk in that…. Why you say … Because the nexus 6 has a damn notification light that is disabled! What the flying monkey fuck !  If you look around you can access the notification light by rooting and installing an app, that light should of been a default option.


Over all I actually don’t have too many complaints about the nexus 6 . So heres to another edition of phone fun


I keep saying I need to post more…..

Its been months since I’ve actually posted consistently.

I have my reasons as my life has been one thing after another… but, I am going to try to get back to this at a regular basis.  For one.. I’d rather post here. While facebook is an option its kind of like being in a dog park… Everyone is sniffing your ass wondering what you are doing and whether they agree with you or disagree they blow smoke up your ass if they think your position on things is not in line with theirs.  I don’t need that, I really don’t give a fuck if you find my posts on coffee or other stuff offensive.  I’m me I’ll post what I want how I want and that is all there is too it.


I’ve always disliked facebook because if someone finds your post offensive to them they can cause trouble…. Mainly you have no creative control over your posts, No style , No way to keep your posts to your target. Sure the website is come one come call , but if you don’t like it … At least on this end of things unlike facebook it does not keep post vomit in your face.  Nor do I have to constantly fool with settings inside facebook. I am not going to make it where there is “friend system”. Facebook in it self is a disaster of code. I do not give ten fucks if you need 1023823 friends to get a chicken on your farm to fuck a leopard to get a land expansion.  I like simplicity .

As it stands with facebook it is likely everyone of the post you make are analyzed and sold off to marketers.  In reality facebook is more like test to see how you respond to certain stimuli.  If you took Pavlov’s Dogs and applied it to facebook it would unsurprisingly fit will……

In his initial experiments, Pavlov presented a stimulus and then gave the dog food; after a few repetitions, the dogs started to salivate in response to the bell. Pavlov called the stimulus the conditioned (or conditional) stimulus (CS) because its effects depend on its association with food.

Now lets see how facebook works on the same logic.


In  initial experiments, Facebook presented a stimulus and then gave the Human a like; after a few repetitions, the Humans started to Post in response to the like. Facebook called the stimulus the conditioned (or conditional) stimulus (CS) because its effects depend on its association with Liked Post.

Fucking fantastic to know facebook just wants you to be their dog to just get more information out of  you.  Privacy issues aside which are extreme. Facebook sucks, I’ve given up posting there. I will keep my postings here and if you find them and like them that’s fucking great.

Facebook is a step back in the age of the internet, Its going back to the bottleneck days of everyone has a portal and is stuck in there own prisons  like AOL / Compuserve… Mostly to keep you in there own small toxic universes until they melt down and the users get fucked with a roadcone sideways.


All I have too say is…
