Dunkin Donuts spreading coffee around the world… scary thought.

Apparently dunkin donuts is going to china, they plan on opening 100 shops in Shanghai. I used to like Dunkin a very long time ago, until they business formula change and they pretty much just hired robot tending zombies and could not get a coffee right to save there lives. Many nights of getting coffees from Dunkin Donuts that just have gone wrong with coffee that you could either run in terror from or made so wrong that carrot top looks normal. they have gone the way of mcdonalds, Serving warmed shit(although mcdonalds gets an exception- you need to goto Sweden to actually get a burger that is edible compared to its US counterpart). Mostly my friends and I goto honey dew donuts, there you get people who know what you want before asking rather than the blank look you’d get going into a DD. So who knows.. MAYBE just maybe good coffee is out of the country but the judge is out on this one.